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Thursday, 3 January 2013

Here I go again

It has been almost nine months since my last attempt to quit smoking. As with many people, I made it my new years resolution to quit and today is day 3.

Being at home has made this much easier than previous attempts as I don´t have to be happy and smiley whilst I´m alone! Admittedly, I´ve been using patches which were unused from my last quit attempt. The patches I had left will run out tomorrow and I´m hoping that I can force myself to go cold turkey from day 4 onwards.

I really don´t want to drag this out any longer than I need to and I find that the patches, in the long run, make withdrawal much more difficult. The day you reduce to the second or third stage and eventually come off them completely is like quitting all over again each time.

I haven´t made a big deal about it. Infact, I haven´t even discussed this with my partner. I just woke up with an awful hangover on 1st and stuck a patch on. (Well recommended to quit with a hangover!)

I´ve been dieting since July also. I managed to lose 7 kilos total but it has crept back up slightly in the past few days. I spent my first Christmas as a vegetarian and it was pretty tough eating with family as they just tend to assume that you only eat pasta, rice and potatoes. It´s fine, I love my tatties but I´ve been low carbing since July and that week over Christmas and New Year has resulted in a 3 kilo gain which I´m now trying to correct.

I know that people say you shouldn´t try to do everything at once, which is why I wanted to get a routine with my exercise and eating going before I quit, but I think total overhaul makes such a difference to breaking habits.

I had started the Insanity workout two weeks before Christmas and was able to finish the first week. After that, I made some crappy excuses and stopped but I do plan to start again soon. I´d like to do it right now actually but this week, my partner has decided to sleep over every night and I´m too embarrassed to go and do jumping jacks and push ups in the lounge while he´s here!

You can read more about my dieting fails and successes at: Fat Battles

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